E-learning: Online classes
In our virtual classes, our students get really motivated to use the Dutch language outside the classroom as well. And to have an open eye, and ear, for communicative expressions in all sorts of situations.
Virtual Classroom
We asked Wijbrand Luth, NT2 docent for DiscoverinDutch, for a brief comment on the new reality for language learning. He wrote: "Teaching online is easier than ever with the technological possibilities of today, DiscoverinDutch has taken up this teaching method fantastically and further developed it from the beginning of 2020. As a teacher I now work with great satisfaction. When you are interested in Dutch Language lessons, then you are cordially invited to join a lesson to see how that goes."
Get tested
With our high quality teachers, DiscoverinDutch is monitoring the students’ progress constantly. By the start of the course, your knowledge and skills will be determined, in order to be able to place you in a course group with approximately the same level.
Get rewarded
Combined with DiscoverinDutch’s encouraging approach, your own effort helps a lot. During class, this will be rewarded with ample opportunity to practice what you have learned when studying and communicating in your own time.