Preparation for NT2 I (B1) State Exams

Get to the level at which you are able to express, clarify and explain your experiences and views in Dutch, and where you are familiar with written and spoken instructions and descriptions at your work, at school and/or in your free time.

The training is focused on reaching B1-levels of speaking, listening, reading and writing Dutch according to objectives of the reference framework for languages of the European Union.
The knowledge and skills are being tested at the official Dutch for Foreigners (NT2 Program I) State examination.
B1 nowadays is the generally required minimal level within the Dutch integration regulations.

The knowledge and skills are being tested at the official Dutch for Foreigners B1 (NT2 Program I) State examination.

After completing this module, you can:

  • understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.

  • deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.

  • produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest, and describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Facts and Figures:
The course is set up as an ongoing process, with exam subscription on an individual basis. Course duration: 90 hours => approximate duration of 6 months, from level A2 to level B1.
Total tuition fee: €1485,00 based on €16,50 per class hour. Payment: per calendar month (post-payment system based on the number of classes offered).

***** R e v i e w s

Abdugapir :

I have experienced three courses in Discoverindutch so far, and I am going to start yet another course here.
These are the advantages in my opinion:
-They are online, which means I skip travel time to and from a course location.
-I am informed about which textbook is going to be used and who is the teacher and what is the schedule ahead of time. And if I find it not suitable, it can be either discussed, or I can choose the same course with another teacher or textbook…
-Discoverindutch uses SMALL groups of students. Very important.
-Discoverindutch is accredited by DUO, you can use your DUO loan.
-The teachers are (I am finding) very pleasant.
-In other courses, when students practice speaking with one-another, the classroom is filled with noise. But in a zoom-class
you hear nothing but your partner and the teacher can listen. Very convenient.


Regita :

Ik ben Regita. Ik kom uit Indonesië. Sinds ik voor het eerst naar Nederland ben gekomen,
heb ik op de cursus bij DiscoverinDutch Nederlands geleerd. Ik vind het een heel leuk programma van de docenten.
Ik ben heel goed geholpen door hen! We hebben heel veel gepraat en uitleg over de grammatica gekregen. Bedankt voor alles.


Laurence :

I started studying with DiscoverinDutch in early 2022, and since then I’ve only had a good experience with them, whether it is the administration or the teachers.
I have studied with several teachers, and one of the things I have appreciated is that each teacher tries to make their classes as interactive as possible, especially considering that the classes are online. The classes are vibrant, they cover several language skills, from grammar to reading and listening, and an extra special focus on speaking.
