Preparation for Civic Integration Exams (A2)

Start learning to understand short and clear instructions and messages in your all day life, and to express in basic Dutch e.g. thoughts and questions concerning your personal life, interests and experiences.

The training is focused on reaching A2-levels of speaking, listening, reading and writing Dutch according to objectives of the reference framework for languages of the European Union.

A2 is the required minimal level, for certain categories, within the Dutch integration regulations. The knowledge and skills are being tested at the official Dutch Civic Integration (A2) examination.

After completing this module, you can:

  • understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).

  • communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.

  • describe in simple terms aspects of your background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.

Facts and Figures:
The course is set up as an ongoing process, with exam subscription on an individual basis. Course duration: 90 hours => approximate duration of 6 months, from level A0 to level A2.
Total tuition fee: €1485,00 based on €16,50 per class hour. Payment: per calendar month (post-payment system based on the number of classes offered).

***** R e v i e w s

Carlien :

I have passed my A2 Inburgering the first time! The teachers from DiscoverInDutch were such a big help.  Teachers Nelleke (A2) and Natasja (B1) were so patient and knowledgeable.  At first, I was a bit nervous about learning online but now I prefer it.  The lessons are fun and not too long, but one must prepare well. 

I also enjoy having contact with people from all over the world and all age groups. And: Robert and Sieger are also very helpful.


Janella :

So far, the course has been fun and flexible. The training material is good and helpful to start learning Dutch.

The fact that it is online gives you a great opportunity to study Dutch in a time saving way.
